Monday, October 24, 2016

Anna's Weekly Update- 39 Weeks/9 Months- 10.24.16

Anna is 9 months old now!! The doctor had told me at Anna's 6 month appointment she thought Anna would start talking around 9 months which is quite a bit earlier than my boys. Well, I wouldn't say she really "talking," but she can say Mama (which she usually only says when she's tired or upset), Dada, and Hi. :) And she's definitely verbal, and quite loud, although she's trying to be heard above her brothers so that's not too surprising. Still no more teeth, she is taking after her brothers in that department, they all took forever to teeth!! No standing on her own yet, still just crawling super fast and standing next to things. I feel however that she is getting taller and able to reach more and more things she shouldn't be getting. :) I'm curious to see what her stats are at the doctor later this week. She's still cute as a button and has such a fun personality. She is very curious, always trying to discover things. And Daddy is becoming her favorite person, she gets a huge smile on her face when he's in sight. So cute!!

Such a cutie!!

It was Jonathan and David's birthday last Monday so we took them to Fuddruckers for lunch where they have lots of fun games for them to play.

They had so much fun just the two of them playing games (Micah was at school)


Anna got to get in on the fun too

I was trying to clean the bathroom and Anna was getting into everything she wasn't suppose to be, so I stuck her in her dry bathtub with some toys which worked great!

At the Spaghetti Dinner at school for a Band/Choir fundraiser

A typical Anna look, especially when she got Mommy up nice and early

We went to an open house for a company in town and had to take a picture by the Minneapolis Moline tractor to send to Grandpa Bussis because he has a tractor like this!

Grandpa and Grandma came!! They came out to help us celebrate the twins' birthday.

David woke up Monday morning and said "Mommy, where's my cake?" Their birthday party wasn't until Wednesday so I didn't have a cake, so when we stopped at the grocery store after lunch at Fuddruckers I let them each pick out a mini cupcake. Of course then we forgot to give it to them that night :) so we finally sang "Happy Birthday" to them on Tuesday :)
Playing a rousing game of Go Fish with Grandpa

They got birthday cards with these cool Dusty Planes you could make
Anna being Anna :)
My parents got to go have lunch with Micah at school. He was pretty excited they got to experience French Toast sticks day :)

Opening presents at their birthday party

They each got their own camera, they were pretty excited about it!

They also got construction worker costumes

Trying out his new camera

They finally got some birthday cakes

Everyone enjoying some cake

We also made some caramel apples at their party

We had a beautiful day on Thursday so we headed to Rocky Creak Farm to take a hayride and pick out some pumpkins

They loved getting to pick out their own pumpkins

Even Anna got to get a mini pumpkin

They also loved getting to play on the playground

And climb the tree

Afterwards we headed to the Dinosaur Park to have a picnic lunch and play on the playground

They wanted me to push them on the tire swing. I gave them a push and Micah was so annoyed. He told me that wasn't a good push, which made me not so happy. Then Steve came over and gave them a push and I understood why he was so annoyed, Steve pushed them SOOO much higher :) I never would have dared push them that hard :) ha ha

We also got to go dig out some potatoes. So excited to eat some yummy red potatoes!!

Playing with their new Play Dough toys they got from Uncle Robert and Aunt Tracie, so much fun!!
Anna liked getting to have Grandma sit right next to her in the van
How we got through Target :)
Friday we went to McDonalds for lunch with my Mom (my Dad had to go home that morning). I can't even remember what he did but David got in trouble playing on the indoor playground and had to take a timeout on the chair, as you can see, he was very sorry for what he had done :)

Painting our pumpkins

I got to paint Anna's pumpkin




Saturday morning (after dropping my Mom off at the airport, and going back to sleep for a while :)), the boys and I headed to a corn maze with some friends from church. Here is Micah and David

And Jonathan with a friend from church

Playing some mini golf, Jonathan thought this is where he should put the ball :)
They had a hay slide which the boys went down over and over again

Going through the maze. It was the same maze Micah's class had gone through a couple weeks ago. It was sooo much easier with the Kindergarteners! They had it roped off for us then, this time, we had to find our own way :)

We made it out!

All the kiddos!

Me with my boys!! What a fun morning!!

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